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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Industry trends
                Current location:HOME > News > Industry trends >
                Cleaning equipment for high pressure blower
                Date:2015-04-18   Source:未知   Author:admin   Browse: time

                With the widely application of the gradually mature industrial cleaning technology, industrial cleaning services professional cleaning companies of various kinds are springing up constantly, and development, and is commonly used in the cleaning industry mechanical equipment cleaning equipment for high pressure blower.
                Cleaning equipment dedicated high-pressure blower works:
                High pressure blower used in dry cleaning equipment is commonly used in the wind the knife, is to use the blower blowing out hot air to dry cleaning purposes, product surface cleaning equipment which is mainly composed of transmission system, lift system, scrubbing system, clear water flushing, to ionized water, such as cleaning, high pressure air drying, electric control system, etc. And high pressure blower drying equipment in the cleaning equipment of air drying period, because of the  high pressure blower , strong wind blowing out quickly, more powerful wind blow out, click here to view the high pressure blower operation principle, and after a period of time, the operation of high pressure blower temperature will gradually rise, this is the wind blowing out is hot, more conducive to blow dry mechanical surface water droplets (= blower temperature the temperature of the environment temperature + blower itself, as long as the fan is not in excess of the prescribed temperature can be run for a long time), hot air drying on the surface of a product which, ensure that the product is clean, dry, improve work efficiency, and high pressure blower at home has common, low prices, can be used also can use assembly line operation, reduce the production time and cost savings. ,

                The choice of cleaning equipment for high pressure blower installation location
                1, Shall be installed in indoor or without intrusion wind and rain
                2, Below 40 ℃, environment temperature
                3, Relative humidity below 80%
                4, If the air contains acid, alkali and corrosive or flammable gas, please select the corresponding anti-corrosion explosion-proof blower.
                5, If the use of the environment has a lot of dust, dust powder state property, need to add blower filter unit protection, and regular cleaning filters or replacement.
                6., Pay attention to the high pressure blower ventilation cooling, best installed in a well-ventilated place, cannot be used in an airtight room or sealed box.

                ?Copyright Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd  Beijing ICP prepared No:15011656  Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com     TEL:0086-10-56370003、0086-18601397173