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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Current location:HOME > Partners > Partneys >
                Shanghai feng lisheng electromechanical co., LTD
                Date:2015-04-18   Source:未知   Author:admin   Browse: time

                上海㊣ 锋厉盛节能机电有限公司
                Shanghai feng lisheng  electromechanical co., LTD is a mainly operating fan, exhaust equipment production processing enterprises, the company is located in Shanghai, the registered capital is 1 million yuan, mainly engaged in high pressure fan and other products. Shanghai feng LiCheng energy-saving electrical and mechanical co., LTD., adhering to the "integrity, professional, win-win" business philosophy, adhere to customer first, quality first, service customers with science and technology, adhere to the technological progress, continuous innovation, constantly beyond, has become a considerable strength and scale of the enterprise in the environmental protection industry. Your satisfaction is our pursuit! Welcome the masses of enterprise, users and consumers and contact us, we will be in line with the best products, provide users with the best service for the purpose, serve you wholeheartedly!

                ?Copyright Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd  Beijing ICP prepared No:15011656  Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com     TEL:0086-10-56370003、0086-18601397173