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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Current location:HOME > Partners > Case >
                Inner Mongolia yili industrial group co., LTD
                Date:2015-04-18   Source:未知   Author:admin   Browse: time


                Inner Mongolia yili industrial group co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the yili group) is the largest in China's dairy industry, the product line is the most perfect enterprise, one of the national 520 key industrial enterprises; Is the ministry of agriculture, the national development and reform commission, the state economic and trade commission, the ministry of finance, the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, the people's bank of China, the state administration of taxation, China securities regulatory commission eight ministries and commissions such as the 151 national agricultural industrialization leading enterprises in the first one.
                Yili group is the only one with the Olympic Games and world expo standards at the same time, for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai world expo dairy companies provide services. In rabobank's latest report, in 2014 the global top 20 dairy industry, yili group in global dairy 10 strong, and became the only company currently into the global top 10 dairy companies in Asia.

                next text:COFCO co., LTD.

                ?Copyright Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd  Beijing ICP prepared No:15011656  Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com     TEL:0086-10-56370003、0086-18601397173