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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Current location:HOME > Partners > Case >
                Zhoushan city luyuan aquaculture co., LTD.,
                Date:2015-04-18   Source:未知   Author:admin   Browse: time

                Zhoushan city luyuan aquaculture co., LTD., founded in 2001, is a professional engaged in shrimp farming, sales of outstanding enterprises.
                The company is located in zhoushan city, zhejiang province dinghai changbai island, covers an area of 900 mu, breeding a total area of 500 mu, and has a production workshop 10000 square meters of plastic greenhouse. Can supply fresh prawn to market more than 500 tons a year, and carries on the preliminary processing can according to customer requirements, product passed the "green agricultural products in zhejiang province" and "national" pollution-free agricultural products certification, and through the national commodity inspection bureau for the record, and in conformity with export standards, are exported to Europe and the United States and Japan.
                Company existing staff more than 50 people, including senior title 3, intermediate title 5 people. Company general manager, senior technician Huang Xiukui in more than 20 years, has been involved in science and technology to participate in the national breeding and disease control seminar for many times, through continuous learning to continuously explore, summed up a set of mature and perfect, healthy science raise shrimp method. Have completed the more national, provincial, municipal key projects of science and technology, including the zhejiang South America white shrimp farming industrialization technology development and project development, "the national agriculture and animal husbandry fishery harvest award second prize, the South America white shrimp (export standards) tons of aquaculture production technology research, was awarded the first prize for the progress of science and technology of boat hill city, zhejiang province third prize of science and technology. In 2005, the company implemented grading high-yielding aquaculture and Japanese prawn factory farming projects, make the prawn breeding technology to a higher level, "zhoushan aquatic science and technology innovation award" and "zhoushan aquaculture demonstration popularize advanced prize". In 2007, the company take the "pollution-free standardized South America white shrimp farming technology demonstration project through the acceptance, become a" standardized demonstration base of aquaculture in zhejiang province "and" the ministry of agriculture fishery health, specific ", due to the prawns on average up to 1.15 tons per mu for the agriculture in zhejiang province the guinness book of records. In the same year, the company through the ISO22000 international certification, is the first domestic argument aquaculture companies through the system.

                last text:COFCO co., LTD.

                ?Copyright Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd  Beijing ICP prepared No:15011656  Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com     TEL:0086-10-56370003、0086-18601397173