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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

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                High pressure blower operation principle
                Date:2015-04-18   Source:未知   Author:admin   Browse: time

                How to running high pressure blower, why some of the pressure is high, some low pressure, what is the difference between single stage and double blower, Naxide electrical co., LTD. The high pressure blower will speak, the operation principle of the high pressure blower operation schematic diagram below are for reference only.
                High pressure blower is blowing, blowing amphibious function, simple to use and is also easy to install, can be installed in a vertical also can be installed in horizontal, since the listing of the blower, quickly in the industry and has been widely used in various mechanical form a complete set, won a good reputation at the same time, then the principle of high pressure blower is what kind of?

                After high pressure blower operation principle: when switching power supply, motor drive the impeller rotation (chart 3), the edge of the impeller is made up of a small piece of a small piece of the same size, cutting the amount of uniform wind leaf group, a certain distance between the blades and the blades, and the impeller and the fuselage is small aperture.
                Began when the impeller rotates, there is pressure in the pump body, specially designed within the fan will not make the air flow back, air through the channel (chart 1) side of the pump body on the left side of the groove, when it enters the pump body through the impeller rotation, the gas will be compressed, because the principle of centrifugal force, prompted several blade vane gas backlog of forward movement, will form a spiral series of air flow in the pump body. After not count rotation compression air between the impeller blades can spiraling rotate faster, until it was too (chart 4) vent discharge pump in vitro
                About pressure: when air into the pump body, along a spiral orbit through the impeller and side slot, each impeller blade will increase compression and and make the air speed (chart 2), with the ongoing of rotation, the kinetic energy of the gas will be more and more big increase, making along the side of the channel by gas pressure increased. When the air to the side channel discharge flange connection, with the gas out of the blades and the muffler discharge pump body through exports.
                High pressure blower pressure size, is associated with power, high pressure blower, motor power will lead to greater need, reflects the important will attend accordingly, and if the selection or selection of users will not have what problem, can contact our Beijing naxide electrical co., LTD., we have professional technicians to answer for you

                ?Copyright Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd  Beijing ICP prepared No:15011656  Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com     TEL:0086-10-56370003、0086-18601397173