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                High pressure blower used in the textile industry
                Date:2015-04-18 ¡¡¡¡Source:δ֪¡¡¡¡ Author:admin¡¡¡¡ Browse: time

                High pressure blower used in the textile industry, Naxide electrical co., LTD. Has a textile industry special high pressure blower, air volume, high pressure blower out more than ordinary processing technology and processing steps, so fan used in textile machinery equipment principle of work is what kind of?
                1, how it works: textile machinery of negative pressure generated by high pressure blower will textile equipment to produce products and moisture separation, it is also a textile machinery equipment commonly used way of dehydration. At the same time also can use the thrum of the suction fan will be produced in the process of textile and other impurities, which can improve the quality of the products quality, but also can improve the work efficiency, the tiny dust and water, adsorption and quick clean, effectively. In general should choose waterproof model selection of the long pump machine, also visible on the circumstances, the blower power depends on the specific usage.

                ?Copyright¡¡Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd¡¡¡¡Beijing ICP prepared No£º15011656¡¡¡¡Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com    ¡¡TEL£º0086-10-56370003¡¢0086-18601397173