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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

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                What problem need to pay attention to maintenance of vortex
                Date:2015-04-14 ¡¡¡¡Source:δ֪¡¡¡¡ Author:admin¡¡¡¡ Browse: time

                      If high pressure blower have problems , and have passed the quality assurance period, if don't want to return to factory maintenance, can choose when in maintenance maintenance market, pay special attention to the following points, his tricks. And in the maintenance of high pressure fan, must to the regular maintenance company, and ask for the relevant maintenance certificate.

                What problem need to pay attention to maintenance of vortex pump

                Parts quality is qualified

                Previously, liaoning a sewage treatment plant, more than a month ago, in liaoning, a maintenance replacement bearing high pressure fan. Didn't think, just bad to use more than 10 days, workers apart a look, and the bearing is broken again, then removed a look is counterfeit bearings, said is original imported bearings, looking for a manufacturer reply, will be added to continue to take money, then I consulting companies, our company technical personnel serial for to the trap, the key is to affect the production and efficiency.

                Factory admitted that he was the open repair shop no formal procedures. When it comes to in counterfeit parts of bearing, a guy said: "the fan maintenance industry is not what fresh. For the sake of profiteering, sometimes exchange between each repair shop, price and sold to consumers come to repair the fan again."

                Exorbitant prices

                A few small garage hired from personnel of course of study is temporary, mobility is large, so the service quality is poor. Under the drive of interest, in the face of dilettante consumer, their price is often a lion big mouth, often hundreds of yuan a bearing to thousands of yuan of money. Du factory director to changchun changchun city xx sewage treatment plant, a repair shop to repair high pressure fan, a value of only 10 yuan of bearing washer, but to his 300 yuan. When du factory director to question, maintenance party eloquent: "I give you this thing is imported."

                Know according to my company, normally, face is not very professional customers, some of the maintenance personnel in order to achieve the purpose of profiteering, the first is "fool", say "so-and-so parts is broken, not sold on the market, only there is backup." When unknown so customers agree to replace, in the middle of their tricks. In fact, these parts are very good buy. And, more importantly, to spend the high price, change to the parts are not necessarily new, quality is not good.

                After-sales service

                Have learned, at present, many manufacturers in our country has not set up a special after-sales service agencies, but just looking for a worker to repair, this gives the maintenance quality and the price of the fan left a hidden danger. In addition, the bad, bad repair, form the woes, eventually take a high pressure fan more expensive than buy a new fan. That consumers want the fan to normalization of maintenance, when using high-pressure blower repaired security, rest assured, the price is reasonable, do not affect production.

                Beijing naxide mechatronics co., ltd

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                ?Copyright¡¡Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd¡¡¡¡Beijing ICP prepared No£º15011656¡¡¡¡Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com    ¡¡TEL£º0086-10-56370003¡¢0086-18601397173