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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

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                Install the advantage of the frequency converter
                Date:2015-04-14 ¡¡¡¡Source:δ֪¡¡¡¡ Author:admin¡¡¡¡ Browse: time

                1. In modern industrial production equipment, high pressure blower has existed, as a kind of important mechanical equipment is also a kind of core equipment, its performance is good, even directly affect the work efficiency of the whole equipment and frequent failures. It also allows people to the high pressure spiral performance and reliable quality of the blower is more and more attention. At the same time, along with the social environmental protection calls for more and more high, users is becoming more and more emphasis on energy saving effect of the high pressure blower. The main can directly reach devices to reduce energy consumption, mainly is the inverter, this you should know that. But why inverter can make high pressure blower more energy-efficient? What are the advantages of high pressure blower installed inverter? 
                After a, install, frequency converter, high pressure blower can achieve step-down startup faster, running in the form of power frequency. In addition, before the high pressure blower is mainly using the damper adjustment to adjust air volume, slow speed, and time consuming, steps are more complicated. But after installing frequency converter, the air volume of blower control mainly to change the method to get the motor speed, which to a great extent, reduce the energy loss, will be mentioned the highest work efficiency. 
                2, blower inverter to use, can reduce the burden of motor, prolong the service life of blower. As is known to all, in the high pressure blower starts, the resulting current is very big, can even lead to strong mechanical power, so as to shrink the life of fan. And if the frequency converter, high pressure blower speed becomes more diversified, including soft start and soft brake, these two approaches to motor form other current shock, to prolong the service life of blower as a whole. 
                Frequency control of motor speed has been acknowledged as the most ideal, one of the most promising way of speed adjustment, general inverter is adopted to form a frequency control of motor speed drive system is in order to meet the increase in labor productivity, improve product quality, improve equipment automation degree, improve the quality of life and improve the living environment and other requirements; Second, in order to save energy and reduce the production cost. 
                Another point, high pressure blower inverter after installation, the valve and the possibility of impeller to produce wear smaller, the possibility of fan vibration also becomes the blower run smoothly, energy consumption is reduced.

                ?Copyright¡¡Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd¡¡¡¡Beijing ICP prepared No£º15011656¡¡¡¡Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com    ¡¡TEL£º0086-10-56370003¡¢0086-18601397173