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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Technology support
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                Side channel blower efficient operation
                Date:2015-04-22 ¡¡¡¡Source:δ֪¡¡¡¡ Author:admin¡¡¡¡ Browse: time

                In order to side channel blower make more efficient work, more long life, simple for daily maintenance and maintenance of side channel blower is necessary, can from the following point of view of blower

                for maintenance and maintenance:

                A. vortex blower into the wind so keep unobstructed;

                B. to regularly clean the blades, to extend the service life of the blower;

                C. blower using switch had better use magnetic control button switch, burnt motor in case of poor contact,

                D. the fan motor must pay attention to the waterproof moisture-proof and clean;

                E. regularly check the fan oil block in normal operation, enough lubricated periodically or replacement;

                F. outlet to ensure that the shutter open more than 70%.

                Such as using a special case, need to add the corresponding parts in order to protect the fan operation

                1, The motor shaft power and pressure is proportional to the, to prevent long-term lead to shaft power limit pressure increase, the motor load is overweight, often using the pressure relief valve, when the

                use of fan pressure exceeds the pressure relief valve set pressure, the pressure relief valve will automatically open, the extra pressure release, so as to protect the high pressure blower motor burn out.


                2, Blower internal institutions more closely, the impeller and casing clearance is small, the air must go through strict filtering. For sundry, general is in the air intake on fine filter, filter is divided into

                ordinary filters and vacuum filter, and often use vacuum filter, filtering effect is best, it according to the different use, often use different filtration precision filter cartridge, different filter have different methods

                of maintenance and service life.

                3, In some special occasions, they require special protection: when used for example in a sealed environment, pay attention to the ventilation and heat dissipation;


                Beijing naxide mechatronics co., LTD 

                ?Copyright¡¡Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd¡¡¡¡Beijing ICP prepared No£º15011656¡¡¡¡Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com    ¡¡TEL£º0086-10-56370003¡¢0086-18601397173