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                Address:Golden Bridge Industrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                Technology support
                Current location£ºHOME > News > Technology support >
                Malfunction and solution
                Date:2015-04-14 ¡¡¡¡Source:δ֪¡¡¡¡ Author:admin¡¡¡¡ Browse: time

                Side channel blower and other mechanical equipment, in the process of operation, will inevitably encounter all sorts of problems, according to different problems we should be how to solve,  how to

                determine what went wrong, can reference from the following several aspects:

                A, Vibration increases

                1, Bearing damage, replace the bearing

                2, The impeller imbalance - remove foreign bodies from the impeller or school of dynamic and static balance

                3, Main shaft deformation, replace the spindle or the pump head

                4, Working condition into the turbulent region - adjust the working status, avoid the turbulent region

                5, In and out of the port into the mesh plug - cleaning filter

                Second, the noise increased

                1, Dry bearing lubrication, bearing grease

                2, Bearing damage, replace the bearing

                3, Wear - replacement impeller impeller or pump head

                4, Solid parts loose or fall off, tighten the fasteners

                5, Blower has foreign body removal, or replace the pump head

                Thrid, pressure decreases

                1, The pump head speed reduce - power supply voltage is low or the motor failure

                2, Pipeline resistance increases, reduces pipeline resistance

                3, Work status change, adjust working condition

                4, Motor turned to reverse - rewiring

                Fourth, temperature rise

                1, The inlet temperature is too high, reduce the air inlet temperature

                2, Dry bearing lubrication, bearing grease

                3, Blower efficiency - remove dust or to replace the pump head

                4, The working state of change, adjust working condition

                5, Higher ambient temperature, increasing environmental ventilation cooling

                Five, the blower flow rate decreased

                1, Import and export gas screen jam - cleaning screen

                2, The pump head speed reduce - power supply voltage is low or the motor failure

                3, Pipeline resistance increases, reduces pipeline resistance

                4, Increased work state, adjust the working condition

                5, Motor turned to reverse - rewiring

                Six, and high pressure fan does not turn

                1, Not connected, plug in the power supply

                2, The motor doesn't work, check wiring

                3, Blower head damage, repair or replace the fan

                4, A foreign body in the gas ring fan card die - removal of foreign bodies

                It is important to note that if it is need to replace parts of the blower, back to the original factory maintenance, best not to remove or laypeople teardown, vortex blower belong to precision machinery, slightly improper operation will lead to a series of problems, and maintenance will be more difficult, the difficulty will also increase, also, the cost will be higher too. 

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                ?Copyright¡¡Beijing nash-D mechanical &amp; electrical Co.,ctd¡¡¡¡Beijing ICP prepared No£º15011656¡¡¡¡Address:Golden Bridge INdustrial Base Tongzhou Beijing China

                E-mail:NachD-Blower@yahoo.com    ¡¡TEL£º0086-10-56370003¡¢0086-18601397173